
Showing posts from September 7, 2022


  一些可能对您有所帮助的社会规则: 1.不要连续给某人打电话超过两次。如果他们没有接听您的电话,则假定他们有重要的事情要处理; 2. 在借的人记得或要求之前,退还你借的钱。它显示了你的正直和品格。雨伞、钢笔和午餐盒也是如此。 3. 当有人给你午餐/晚餐时,千万不要点菜单上昂贵的菜。 4. 不要问尴尬的问题,比如“哦,所以你还没结婚?”或者“你没有孩子”或者“你为什么不买房子?”或者你为什么不买车?看在上帝的份上,这不是你的问题。 5. 始终为后面的人开门。不管是男是女,是前辈还是后辈。在公共场合善待别人不会让你变小; 6.如果你和朋友打车,他/她现在付款,下次尝试付款; 7. 尊重不同的意见。记住对你来说是 6 的东西对面对你的人来说是 9。此外,第二意见是一个很好的替代方案; 8. 永远不要打断别人说话。让他们倒出来。正如他们所说,听他们所有并过滤他们; 9. 如果你取笑某人,而他们似乎不喜欢它,停止它,永远不要再这样做。它鼓励一个人做更多,它表明你是多么感激; 10. 当有人帮助你时说“谢谢”。 11.公开表扬。私下批评; 12. 几乎没有理由评论某人的体重。只是说,“你看起来棒极了。”如果他们想谈论减肥,他们会的; 13. 当有人在手机上给你看照片时,不要向左或向右滑动。你永远不知道接下来会发生什么; 14. 如果同事告诉你他们有医生预约,不要问是为了什么,只要说“我希望你没事”。不要让他们处于不得不告诉你他们的个人疾病的尴尬境地。如果他们想让你知道,他们会在没有你好奇的情况下这样做; 15. 像对待 CEO 一样尊重清洁工。没有人对你对待低于你的人的粗鲁印象深刻,但如果你尊重他们,人们会注意到; 16.如果一个人直接和你说话,盯着你的手机是不礼貌的; 17. 在被问到之前不要给出建议; 18. 久别重逢,除非对方想谈,否则不要问对方的年龄和薪水;

30 fun fact about china

  China is the single most populated nation and one of the largest countries in the world. The country is so diverse that it makes up a long list of interesting facts that go could on and on. From its ancient old civilization to its breathtaking sites, unique culture, and traditions – you will learn all these fun facts about China here. Read until the end to find out 30 fun facts about China that you probably didn’t know! 1) China is officially known as the  People’s Republic of China. 2) As of September 2020, China is the  most populated country in the world with over 1.4 billion people  (1,439,323,776). This is based on  Worldometer  elaboration of the latest United Nations data. 3)  Mandarin is not the only language in China.  There are others such as Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan and Hakka. Some regions in China also have their own dialects. 4)  China is considered a “coconut culture”.  Chinese people present a stony, formal ex...

That is how I met my son's

When I was 13 my mum and dad separated. My mother moved to the country with my three younger siblings, and I being a stubborn teen wanted to stay behind with my father. I had just started dating my first proper boyfriend and was new to high school. I lost my virginity to this boyfriend. He cheated on me with my son’s father’s ex-girlfriend. That is how I met my son’s father. We hadn’t even been together for five months when I began to feel really odd. I hadn’t missed any periods and didn’t think anything of the fact I had been getting sent home from school all the time for feeling sick. I was not even half-way through Year 9. I began a downhill spiral and was hardly even going to school when my father decided that it was just because of mum and his separation. I was sent to see the school councillor on a weekly basis. This didn’t help my attendance at school in any way. The drive to the hospital was the worse. When we arrived at the hospital I was three centimetres dilated. If it ha...

처음으로 함께 잠자리에 든 후, 사전 지인의 장점이나 단점 없이,

처음으로 함께 잠자리에 든 후, 사전 지인의 장점이나 단점 없이, 상대방이 당신에게 자주 말합니다. 너 자신에 대해 말해줘, 너에 대해 전부 알고 싶어 네 이야기는 뭐야? 그리고 당신은 그들이 정말로 그리고 정말로 할 것이라고 생각합니다 진심으로 당신의 삶의 이야기를 알고 싶어, 그래서 당신은 불을 밝힙니다. 담배를 피우고 그들에게 말하기 시작합니다. 완전히 편안한 자세로 함께 누워 한 쌍의 헝겊 인형처럼 지루한 아이가 침대에 떨어졌습니다. 당신은 그들에게 당신의 이야기 또는 당신의 이야기만큼 시간이나 상당한 신중함이 허락하는 한, 그들은 말합니다. 오, 오, 오, 오, 오, 매번 조금 더 희미하게 oh 숨소리만 들리고 물론 약간의 방해가 있습니다. 슬로우 룸서비스가 등장 녹는 얼음 한 그릇으로 그리고 화장실 거울에 비친 가벼운 놀라움으로 자신을 바라보세요. 그리고 나서, 당신이 시간을 갖기 전에 당신이 가장 먼저 알게 되는 것은 흥미진진한 삶의 이야기를 중단한 부분부터 다시 시작합니다. 그들은 당신에게 그들의 삶의 이야기를 그들이 항상 의도했던 것과 똑같이 말하고 있습니다. 그리고 당신은 오, 오, 오, 오, 오, 조금 더 희미해질 때마다 마침내 모음이 되어 들리는 한숨에 지나지 않는다. 엘리베이터로 복도를 반쯤 내려가서 왼쪽으로 꺾으면, 마지막으로 길고 깊은 피로의 숨을 들이마신다. 그리고 영원히 숨을 멈춥니다. 그 다음에? 글쎄, 너희 중 하나는 잠들어 다른 사람도 마찬가지로 불 붙인 담배를 입에 물고, 그리고 그것이 사람들이 호텔 방에서 화상을 입는 방식입니다.

在你们第一次一起上床之后, 没有任何先前熟人的优点或缺点, 对方经常对你说,

在你们第一次一起上床之后, 没有任何先前熟人的优点或缺点, 对方经常对你说, 说说你自己,我想知道你的一切, 你的故事是什么?你认为也许他们真的真的这样做了 真心想知道你的人生故事,所以你亮了 一支烟,然后开始告诉他们,你们两个 以完全放松的姿势躺在一起 就像一个无聊的孩子掉在床上的布娃娃一样。 你告诉他们你的故事,或者你的故事 在时间或相当谨慎的情况下,他们说, 每次都隐隐约约一点,直到哦 只是一个可听见的呼吸,然后当然 有一些中断。缓慢的客房服务出现 用一碗融化的冰块,或者你们中的一个人起来小便 用浴室镜子里的轻微惊讶注视着自己。 然后,你知道的第一件事,在你有时间之前 用你迷人的生活故事从你离开的地方继续, 他们正在告诉你他们的人生故事,完全按照他们一直以来的意图, 你说,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦, 每一次更微弱一点,元音终于变成了 只不过是一声叹息, 作为电梯,在走廊的中途左转, 抽出最后一口气,长长的,深呼吸的疲惫 并永远停止呼吸。然后? 好吧,你们中的一个睡着了 另一个嘴里叼着一根点燃的香烟也是如此, 这就是人们在酒店房间里被烧死的方式。

My personal life story... Life of murk

My personal life story begins like all of us at my birth. Being born in a small village in the West African country of Ghana gives me my uniqueness and an identity that has culture, history and politics in it. The village is called Dixcove after the British Captain who was called Captain Dixon who colonised the region in the 16th Century. My Mother is a Ghanaian and my Farther is from England, the North West a West Cumbrian. When I was four it was decided by my parents that I would live in England with my dad’s sister my Auntie Dot. ‘It was for the best reasons’ I have remembered my Auntie saying and after all it was the brave new world of the nineteen sixties, where the ‘civil rights’ movement was in its ascendency. Being sent to live in Egremount in West Cumbria had a number of challenges, not just for its white working class identity which served up a lot of prejudice for me; it was also the beginning of the sexual abuse that I had to endure as a child. My Auntie had two Sons and...

10 interesting facts about Egypt

What can we say about Egypt? It’s a land of myths and legends, ancient civilizations, and The Pyramids of Giza. Egypt is an exciting country to visit with some of the most fascinating historical places on the planet. There is so much more to Egypt than just the pyramids and you’ll see why as we go through these most interesting facts about Egypt! As one of the world’s oldest civilizations, Egypt is a captivating destination. If you’re planning to visit the Middle East, these Egypt facts will help you understand the history of the ancient Egyptians and the background of some of the country’s most popular attractions Speaking of being one of the oldest civilizations, a lot of the best facts about Egypt have to do with ancient Egypt. Many of its top tourist attractions were built by the ancient Egyptians and many of the customs and follow the ancient Egyptian traditions that were followed by the Pharaohs and their religion of Islam.  1. Egypt Is Home To The Only Remaining Ancient Won...

You are calling me black bastard.

As I grew older, it became more prevalent that the color of my skin mattered. As a cashier at a well-known grocery-store chain, a district manager told my boss that I was a “Black bastard.” Additionally, I remember applying for my first “real job” as a receptionist at a doctor’s office. I had arrived for the interview a little early, the waiting room was full of (mostly Black) candidates. I listened as the hiring manager, a doctor, called the candidates one-by-one for their interview: Keisha, LaQuitta, Otishia, Tishia. They’d go in and spend five minutes (maybe) with the doctor. Now it was my turn. Wendy Kelly. I go in with a smile on my face, resume in hand, and a completed application. “Finally,” he says, “a person whose name I can pronounce. I thought you were white.” I was so shocked at what I had just heard, I had no idea how to respond, so I sat and smiled. He never took my resume, only the application that he placed on his desk. He asked me two or three questions, and tha...

Is this because I m black

If you are like me, you have had the feeling of not feeling safe when heading out, or being paid less than Whites for the same job, or getting passed over for promotions, or just outright being discriminated against due to the color of your skin. And by “like me,” I mean Black. By now, we all know what happened to George Floyd. His tragic death has led me to take a closer look at my own life and how racism has shaped who I am today personally and professionally. The following is my story, but it is also the story of so many. “Why Are Your Feet So Dirty?” Children learn about racial differences and racial bias from an early age. And they learn from teachers and parents how to deal with and react to these differences. I, however, did not know what racism was until I got older. You see, my parents never spoke to me about it as a child. I guess that’s why I always felt uncomfortable about my first experience when I was made aware how my race made me different. More than 40 years later...