
Showing posts from September 9, 2022

If woman have this 16 habit, pursue her

  Good men and women are hard to find. By good, we mean the right ones who have the perfect, most-wanted habits and know when to do what without being told. If you, a man, have seen a woman like that or have one for yourself, you are lucky.   1. She Initiates:   Be it asking out, the first date, first kiss, first text or first night together you will notice her initiating. Do not expect her to do everything because, of course, you want to be involved too. But if she does not believe in the stereotype of men doing everything and does not hesitate in being the first one to text or the one to initiate sex, she is worth pursuing. Such women know that the world does not fall at their feet and they are supposed to make effort just as you are. Such attitude should be appreciated since it is the exact opposite of what the stereotype says.  2. She Cares:  It is very important that the woman you pursue cares about you. If she does not feel the same way about you...

Is consuming lot of meat bad for health?

  Eating too much red meat could be bad for your health Sizzling steaks and juicy burgers are staples in many people’s diets. But research has shown that regularly eating red meat and processed meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer. A well-known  study  by the Harvard School of Public Health looked at the health effects of regular meat intake and found links to heart disease and cancer. One daily serving of unprocessed red meat — about the size of a deck of cards — was associated with a 13% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer. One daily serving of processed red meat — one hot dog or two slices of bacon — was associated with a 20% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer. “It’s okay to eat meat but limit the amount and choose healthier types to reduce the risk of heart disease. Eating too much red meat comes with health risks and is not part...

10 Habits That Make You Look Older Than Your Age!

  10 Habits That Make You Look Older Than Your Age! Our skin has an impressive ability to protect us and even bounce back despite the number of damaging elements it is exposed to. However, if it is showing the worse for wear, it can make you look old, tired or unhealthy. Since “distressed” is a look best applied to jeans, it won’t be as flattering on your skin. To address the problem head on, you need to be aware of which habits are prematurely setting off this process of decline. More importantly, you must know that you still have the chance to deal with any signs of wear and tear. Table of Contents Skin Aging FACTs 10 Habits that Age Your Skin Unhealthy Eating Sedentary Lifestyle Poor Sleep Quality Sleep Position Constant Use of Electronic Devices Dehydrated and Dry Skin Poor cleansing Skipping sun protection Not Giving Your Eyes Some Love Not Caring for Your Neck Tips To Combat Skin Aging Eat Healthy Exercise Limit Device Use Healthy Lifestyle Choices Choose the right products R...

保持年轻容貌的8个方法 Bǎochí niánqīng róngmào de 8 gè fāngfǎ

  你坐下吗?德国最近的一项研究发现,女性胸部、手部和手臂上的皮肤外观会极大地影响人们对她的感知年龄。换句话说,你需要担心老化的不仅仅是你的脸——你的皮肤也是。 衰老是不可避免的,这已不是什么秘密。但是,如果你必须变老,为什么不尽你所能把它推迟到尽可能长的时间呢?事实证明,让你变老的不仅仅是你的基因和太阳。继续阅读八种保持年轻容貌的方法…… 1.远离阳光 虽然太阳确实不是影响皮肤整体外观的唯一因素,但它确实发挥了重要作用。事实上,太阳紫外线(UVA 和 UVB 射线)造成的损伤是造成皮肤明显老化迹象的 90% 的原因。紫外线会分解皮肤中的弹性蛋白,导致外观下垂和暗沉、皱纹、老年斑、肤色不均等。 始终(始终、始终、始终)佩戴 SPF 等级至少为 30 的优质防晒霜,并确保它是广谱防晒霜——这意味着它有助于阻挡 UVA 和 UVB 射线。请记住,无论晴天与否,太阳光线都会消失,因此请务必每天涂抹防晒霜。并记住每隔几个小时重新申请一次以获得最大的保护。 2. 多喝水 让肌肤看起来更年轻的另一个关键是保湿。您应该每天饮用 8 杯过滤水,以保持皮肤容光焕发并支持最佳健康。脱水会很快导致你的皮肤看起来干燥和暗淡——强调皱纹和老化。每天喝足够的水可以补充皮肤的组织和细胞,让皮肤看起来更年轻、更健康。 3. 获得一些 ZZZ 保持年轻容貌的另一个关键是简单地休息一下!当你睡觉时,你的身体会不断释放促进细胞更新和更新的激素。利用这段时间来发挥你的优势——此时你应该使用抗衰老活性物质,如维甲酸和β-羟基酸,它们都是强大的去角质剂和除皱剂。但请记住,这些会增加你对阳光的敏感性,所以要特别注意防晒霜。 更进一步,考虑升级到缎面枕套。随着时间的推移,反复使用粗糙的织物(例如棉)会导致皮肤中的胶原蛋白分解,从而导致皱纹。 4.擦进去 虽然水可以帮助您的皮肤从内到外保持水分,但您也可以通过确保始终使用正确类型的保湿剂来帮助它。水润的皮肤不仅看起来更好,而且更强壮,更能抵抗任何刺激物。保湿霜由两种成分组成,可帮助您的皮肤感觉柔软和柔软:保湿剂,将空气中的水分吸入皮肤,润肤剂,有助于加强皮肤的脂质屏障并保持水分。面霜和保湿霜并非都是一样的。重要的是使用具有更好吸收和渗透到皮肤中的临床级产品,以及更高的活性成分,以获得最佳效果,并通过临床研究证明可以治疗和保护皮肤。这些结果...

Eight way to maintain youthful appearance

  Are you sitting down? A recent German study found that the appearance of a woman’s skin on her chest, hands and arms greatly impacts how old she is perceived to be. In other words, it’s not just your face that you need to worry about aging you — it’s your skin, too.   It’s no secret that aging is inevitable. But, if you have to age, why not do everything you can to put it off as long as possible? It turns out it’s more than your genes and the sun that may be aging you. Read on for eight ways to maintain a youthful appearance… 1. Stay out of the sun   While it’s true that the sun isn’t the only factor in the overall appearance of your skin, it does play a huge role. In fact, damage from the sun’s UV light (UVA and UVB rays) is responsible for about 90% of your skin’s visible signs of aging. UV rays break down the elastin in your skin, causing a saggy and dull appearance, wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, and more.   Always (always, always, always) wear a good q...

The most beautiful things are not perfect.

  Bob Marley was once asked if the perfect woman existed. And he replied: Who cares about perfection? Even the moon is not perfect, it is full of craters… And the sea? it's too salty and dark in the depths. The sky? Always so infinite, that is, the most beautiful things are not perfect, they are special. And the beautiful rose, the queen of flowers full of thorns.  Stop wanting to be "perfect", try to be free, happy and live doing what you love, not wanting to please others.