Nothing is by chance
Karma is a bitch Why do the ‘bad’ things happen Causing shedding of many tears? Atrocities, neglect, futile wars Still going on throughout the years Why are innocent little babies born With problems right at the very start? Or ‘lost’ even before the first breath Breaking open their parents heart Why do some people have to struggle Through a life of torment and dread? For them nothing ever seems to go right Poverty and debt looms over many a head Why do fatal diseases like cancer Exponentially continue to grow? While cures are available, but not used Unless you’re alternatively ‘in the know’ Karma is one of the reasons For challenges we all must face But, we make the choice before birth To learn with experience and good grace For our Souls are on an eternal journey To experience and grow through life Reincarnating in a myriad of roles We need it all, including the strife The Law Of Attraction is also paramount An all-encompassing force, a powerful magnet Negativity or positivity b...