
Showing posts from September 21, 2022

I am 23 years old. What can I do now that will change my life forever?

  Save money, don’t spend it. If you don’t need it don’t buy it. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ONE ENOUGH. Travel cheap and often. Traveling is harder as you go from only you to bringing a family. Don’t get caught up in useless drama. The girl or guy you are with may or may not be the one for you, so don’t get all twisted emotionally over something that was never going to work. (Especially if you are following #2) Find out WHO you are. Not what you do, not what you are, or where you want to be. It took me way too long to realize who I am and what I want out of life. Explore and push your boundaries. Try new things and learn what you like. Meet new people, challenge your own beliefs and understanding, walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, and then share your knowledge with others. Become YOU. Worry less about failing. Try shit, fail, and get back up and try again. You are still young and “failing” now is the best education you can get. Fuck what people think. Some people won’t like you, some ...

Believe in her

  W O M A N: ● changes her name. ● changes her home. ● leaves her family. ● moves in with you. ● builds a home with you. ● gets pregnant, the pregnancy changes her body. ● she gains weight ● almost gives up in the labor room due to the unbearable pain of childbirth.. ● even the kids she delivers bear your name. Til the day she dies.. everything she does... cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefits you. sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies, and beauty. So who is really doing whom a favor? Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman. Being a woman is priceless.

Ode to the friendship

  They’re the few people who accept silence over conversation. A relationship like this denies silly promises and persuasion. You don’t feel the need to second guess thoughts or measure words. Their love comes in wholes, not halves, not thirds. They’re the ones that guide you through when fate takes a turn. Fights, small and large, end in forgiveness, never a burn. You forget about first impressions and the feelings they brought. You’re grateful for who they are and you forgive ’em for what they’re not

Who said it was simple

  There are so many roots to the tree of anger    that sometimes the branches shatter    before they bear. Sitting in Nedicks the women rally before they march    discussing the problematic girls    they hire to make them free. An almost white counterman passes    a waiting brother to serve them first    and the ladies neither notice nor reject    the slighter pleasures of their slavery.    But I who am bound by my mirror    as well as my bed see causes in colour as well as sex and sit here wondering    which me will survive    all these liberations.

What are some screenshots that deserve

  In the waiting room of Taiyuan Railway Station, China. An older man fell asleep on a bench and did not move. A passenger went up to try to wake up the older man. It turned out that the older man had already passed away! At this time, people are watching and panicking. At that moment, a Buddhist monk dressed in yellow sea green walked up to the older man, calmly bent his waist and Paying tribute to the dead. The monk folded his hands and, chanted the sutra for the old man and compassionately hold the hand of the deceased. Netizens have expressed that this monk pulled up not only the hand of the older man. More is to pull up the conscience and kindness of this indifferent society.

Can a human ever give birth to something that is not a human being?

  I gave birth to an acardiac baby. Also called trap sequence these things are masses of flesh and bone. Often acephalic various body parts but not really human. Mine had part of a pelvis, some spine, two legs in weird spots with biforcated digits on each. This happens in only 1% of all identical twin pregnancies and mine was even more rare as i had been pregnant with triplets and all three shared a placenta and one single umbilical cord between the three. Unfortunately we lost the triplet at 13 weeks and the healthy baby of the other two at 36 weeks due to heart failure or a cord accident. I'm going to attach an image to this as an example of an acardiac twin. It is not my own but an xray of one i found. They've also been referred to acardiac monsters.

Is it good to walk in the morning on an empty stomach?

  Walking is a very beneficial physical activity for keeping weight under control, cardiovascular health and other benefits. According to some studies, exercising in the morning on an empty stomach can help burn more fat mass in the body. But despite the benefits of walking in the morning before eating breakfast, this sport contains some potential risks, which we review in the following report, according to the Italian “greenme” website. Benefits of walking on an empty stomach Weight loss Carbohydrates are instantly broken down into glucose (the best fuel for our body). In turn, glucose flows into the blood and is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver, which provides a rapid supply of energy and is therefore essential for high-intensity physical activities. After fasting all night while sleeping, glycogen stores are very low, especially in the liver, for this reason, since there is little available glycogen, the body responds by burning more fat mass if you walk in the mornin...