Choose simplicity; you will always feel positive.
Simplicity means when you are appreciating even the small thing. Then you will start leading your life in the most simple one. It also counts that your actions and thoughts are not influenced by wealth, fame, your loved ones, your friends, and your relatives instead of staying true to yourself. You will be content with what you have, you will always choose a peaceful and calm mind. To achieve this comfort, you have to turn out to be the most forgiving and loving person.
But the main reason why you feel misery is when you try to compare yourself with others. When you compare, you end up bringing your energy down instead of raising yourself. The other ways are when you feel jealous of others' success, when you keep a grudge, and when you gossip about others. Then do you know what will happen? you will clutter your mind with negativity. Your life experiences become painful, your relationships become difficult, and then every situation becomes challenging when you inculcate your mind negatively. Nothing turns out good. Always try to keep things simple then gradually life will also become pleasant.
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